

This recipe appeared in a TV cooking Canal Sur (Andalusian Television Network) "Eat", a cooking show for the whole family where every day our cook, the young chef Enrique Sanchez, made ​​a recipe with one hundred products one hundred Andalusian.

2. The city:


Alcalá la Real is located in a strategic area that connects the Guadalquivir valley (across the river Guadajoz) with plain areas Grenadines, through rivers and Velillos Frailes. Its strategic position, not only on land, but in the same location in the city (on the Cerro de La Mota), gives fundamental importance in terms of roads throughout the story, which comes to confirm its importance when this area becomes border area during the Middle Ages with the Kingdom of Granada. It warns human occupation in different sites of the municipality from the Palaeolithic and prehistoric phases following as the Neolithic, Chalcolithic and the Bronze Age. Curiously, it is likely that this city was one of the last sites where Neanderthals lived. From the Bronze Final, at stages ancient Iberian, Iberian settlements are seen small range, as the nuclei of genets and the Ribera Alta Mesa.

3. Ingredients:

Day Issue: May 29, 2012
- 1 glass of beer
- 2 chicken breasts
- 100 g. bacon
- 3 medium potatoes cooked
- 100 g. blue cheese
- 1 onion
- 1 stalk of celery
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 2 eggs
- 1 cup chicken stock
- 1 cup of cream
- Oregano and thyme

4. Preparation process:

- Brown the chicken breasts with oil and fire away.
- Earlier in the same oil, saute the chopped onion, chopped celery stalk, the sliced ​​garlic, diced bacon, a teaspoon of oregano and some sprigs of thyme.
- Return the chicken to the pan, pour beer and chicken stock. Cover slightly and cook 20 minutes over medium heat.
- Peel the boiled potatoes, mash well with a fork, season and shape of ball. Make a small hole, insert into each ball a little blue cheese and cover with more mashed potatoes.
- Uncover the pan, pour the cream over the chicken breasts and let the sauce recudir over medium-high heat.
- Pass the potato balls egg white, lightly beaten, and fry in oil. Drain on paper.

Noemí Álvarez Cano
Jose Carlos Cervera López 
Ángela Baeza López.

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