
Food color affects health

Food color affects health

VI.1.Food color is indicative of a certain dose of nutrients they contain. Oricine poate distinge sursele anumitor vitamine sau minerale dacă se ghidează după acest principiu. Anyone can distinguish the sources of certain vitamins or minerals they are guided by this principle.
EatingC onsumul a cinci sau chiar mai multe mese pe zi de fructe şi legume colorate constituie o parte din planul unei vieţi sănătoase, pentru că fructele şi legumele colorate asigură necesarul de vitamine, minerale şi fibre pentru o bună funcţionare a organismului şi energie optimă; protejează împotriva efectelor îmbătrânirii şi reduce riscul de cancer şi boli cardiovasculare .Eating five or more meals a day of colorful fruit and vegetables is part of a healthy life plan, because coloured fruit and vegetables provide the necessary vitamins, minerals and fiber for proper functioning of the body and optimal energy, protecting the body against the effects of aging and reducing the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. [i]
Roşu ( pentru sănătate şi vitalitate ) Red (health and vitality) 

Deep red and blue - purple
Strugurii, murele, prunele, ridichile, coacăzele negre, smochinele, vinetele, varza roşie, stafidele, andivele sunt foarte bogate în vitamina C şi bioflavonoide. Grapes, blackberries, plums, radishes, black currants, figs, eggplant, red cabbage, raisins, chicory are rich in vitamin C and bioflavonoid. Din acest motiv sunt recomandate pentru a sporii imunitatea organismului sau pentru a prevenii cancerul. They are therefore recommended because they increase the immunity of the body and prevent cancer. Sfecla roşie conţine foarte mult fier şi magneziu şi, deoarece împiedică depunerea grăsimilor în organism, este ideală pentru asigurarea unui meniu echilibrat persoanelor care urmează o dietă. Beetroot contains a lot of iron and magnesium, as it prevents fat storage in the body is ideal for providing a balanced menu of people who follow a diet. Nu este de evitat folosirea acestei culori la salate sau la deserturi. It is a colour you should use for salads or desserts.
 Yellow and orange
Aceste culori indică o concentraţie mare de potasiu, carbohidraţi, precum şi o doză importantă de betacaroten şi vitamina C. Folosirea lor asigură un aspect sănătos al corpului, reduc riscul apariţiei cancerului, întăresc sistemul imunitar, menţin inima sănătoasă. These colors indicate a high concentration of potassium, carbohydrates, and a significant dose of beta-carotene and vitamin C. Their use ensures a healthy heart, reduces the risk of cancer and strengthens the immune system. When we talk about yellow and orange we usually think about: lemons, oranges, quinces, pumpkins, corn, dry beans, carrots, yellow tomatoes, yellow peppers, cantaloupe, apricots, gooseberries, grapefruit, mango, papaya, pineapples etc. Făinoasele şi cartofii sunt sursele cele mai importante de amidon şi carbohidraţi, fiind recomandate în special copiilor aflaţi în perioada de creştere. Pasta and potatoes are the most important sources of starch and carbohydrates so they are highly recommended to children because they need them in order to grow up and develop properly.
White (for vitality) and brown
 It is no longer a secret to anyone that almost all white products (cheese, milk, yogurt, egg white, fish meat) are rich in calcium. Of course we can we take calcium from certain fruit or vegetables as well, but white products have an additional advantage: contain D and A vitamins, which are indispensable for fixing calcium in the body. We add white to any table at which we feel it would be needed: colours can add a starter or a garnish.
F ructele şi legumele albe şi cafenii ca:bananele, conopida, ghimbirul, usturoiul, ceapa, ciupercile, păstârnacul, guliile au o mare concentraţie de substanţe fitochimice. White and brown fruit and vegetables like banana, cauliflower, ginger, garlic, onions, mushroom, parsnip and turnip, have a high concentration of photochemical. Conţin alicina, întâlnită mai ales în plantele legumicole din grupa cepei. They contain allicin, found mainly in plants from the onion group. Este recomandată includerea în dietă a fructelor şi legumelor de culoare albă şi cafenie pentru că ajută la: reducerea riscului de cancer, combaterea bolilor de inimă, menţinerea colesterolului din sânge la nivel normal. It is recommended to include fruit and vegetables in the diet of white and brown colour because they help to reduce the risk of cancer, fight heart disease, maintaining normal blood cholesterol level. 
Verde ( pentru o sănătate de fier ) Green (for good health)
 It is known that the richest sources of vitamins are herbs. Vitamin C and E, which are to be found in herbs on a high level help the body defend itself from bacteria and pathogens, reducing the risk of many diseases. Spinach, cabbage, green beans, lettuce, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Chinese cabbage, cucumbers, leeks, onions, apples, avocado, kiwi and parsley and dill right and other herbs are some of the most important sources of iron and magnesium.

By Claudia - Mihaela Lisenche

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