
Federico García Lorca

Federico García Lorca was born in Fuente Vaqueros (Granada) on the 5th of June in 1898 and he died on the 18th of August in 1936 (shot shortly before the Spanish Civil War). It was a Spanish poet, dramatist and prose writer, also known for his skill in many arts.

He was in the “Generación del 27”, an important group of Spanish poets from 20th century who were very wellknown nearly the 1927. He is the the most influenced poet and popularity of the Spanish Literature in 20th century. As playwright he is considerated one of the top of the Spanish theater.

In 1914 he enrolled in the Granada's University to study Philosophy and Letres and Law. His first book in prose was “Impresiones y paisajes”, published in 1918.


1.Where did Federico García Lorca born?
 a) Granada 
b) Sevilla
c) Huelva
d) Málaga.

2. What was Federico Garcia Lorca's first book in prose? 
 a) “Impresiones y maquillajes”
b) “Sueños y paisajes”
c) “Impresiones y paisajes”
d) “Paisajes y naturaleza”

     3. How did Fernando García Lorca die? 
     a) He died dancing.
    b) He died sleeping.
    c) He died riding a bike.
    d) He died in a war.

    Laura Hervás Vela 
    Judit Gutiérrez Gámiz 
    4ºESO A

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