In our region (Molise), in about ten years (between
2000 and 2011) ISTAT registered an increase of obese adults among population:
in 2009, for every 100 inhabitants the rate increased to 14.4%. Molise is the
first place in the obesity region classification. Because of the crisis it is
necessary to have best prices and this leads consumers to turn to big
supermarkets where the prices are often
lower and people cannot to resist and they buy too much and eat too. Another problem is information. For example
only one Italian on four knows that the right calory quantity per day is 2000
and only 7% of Italians knows that calory quantity deriving from fat is about a
third. Obese people think they know
their problem but they commit so many mistakes when they eat. But the real
'fault' of weight increase of the Italians is
their laziness. The secret to losing weight is really 'spending
energy': to reintroduce physical activity: light but steady. Not to go to the
gym twice a week but to move during all the day.
Obese people increase, habits change. Let's start with the good news: the number of Molise persons who starts the day with an adequate breakfast has increased for ten years , a sign that the lesson seems to have been finally learned.
Obese people increase, habits change. Let's start with the good news: the number of Molise persons who starts the day with an adequate breakfast has increased for ten years , a sign that the lesson seems to have been finally learned.
But the real revolution took place for the other meals of the day: people having lunch at home decrease and those dining in
the workplace greatly increase .
Caution: not at a
bar or canteen but right at the workplace. And it is easy to imagine them
eating a sandwich before a computer.
So the illusion of the three steps that
every day at lunchtime were made to reach the bar or table disappears. On the
other hand the fact that Molise persons- like all Italians-are sedentary is not
new: in Molise almost 51% of persons is not involved in sports or physical
activity and it is one of the highest
rates in Italy. And the scale continues to rise.
"It 's useless, if not counterproductive - says Giuseppe Fairies (an Italian famous doctor studying obesity) - to create a blacklist of a certain category of foods. There is not, in fact, 'good' or 'bad' food but only unbalanced or balanced diets. All food and beverages, in appropriate portions can be consumed as part of a healthy and active lifestyle, combining a balanced diet and a regular physical activity.
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