62660 BEUVRY
Beuvry is a French commune, located in the department of Pas-de-Calais and the Nord-Pas-de-Calais. Its
inhabitants are called "beuvrygeois." Beuvry is located 35 km from
Lille, near Bethune, south of the old district of Weppes. Beuvry has
9031 inhabitants.
(Official site of the city of Beuvry www.villedebeuvry.fr)
Overview of the School
in September 1992, the High School welcome over 1,500 students and
learners aged 13-40 + years including general training, medical, social
and specializations for careers in hospitality and catering .
teaching hotel, very broad, allow to pass all degrees of CAP
(certificate of professional competence) to BTS (Brevet de technician).
Short courses for adults are also carried out in collaboration with the
school GRETA Bruay Bethune (training organization for adults).
Versatile school, the school also prepares BACS General (L, O and S) and Technology (ST2S).
may enter the school by joining post-baccalaureate training for Senior
Technicians Sections (ESF, Dietetics and Food Service and Hospitality).
2 boarding, 1 dining, 4 Restaurants application, A resource center and information (http://lewebpedagogique.com/actucdiyourcenar/ / http://www.netvibes.com/cdi-yourcenar#Accueil ) , cafeteria, A gym. Opening hours Monday to Friday from 8:10 to 18 hours
The Lycée Marguerite Yourcenar provides general lessons and technology. By their variety, it offers many career opportunities.
ES: Bachelor of Economic and Social / Tray L: Bachelor Literary / S
Tray: Bachelor of Science / bin ST2S: Bachelor of Science and Technology
Health and Social
The Second ... BAC : The student chooses two courses exploration ...
* The Economic and Social Sciences * or
* The basic principles of economics and management * + choice ...
* Scientific Methods and Practices
* Laboratory Science &
* Health & Social
* Literature and Societ http://lewebpedagogique.com/litteraturesocieteyourcenar/
lessons are designed to discover new intellectual areas, to inform
about possible courses the final cycle, identify occupations which these
courses may lead.
The medico-social formations:
tray to access training and professions such as: medical secretary,
nurse, social service worker, educator, counselor social and family
economics (BTS), dietician… http://santesocial.blog4ever.com/blog/index-448012.html
of Professional Coaching care and Personal Services (LAC PRO ASSP)
which allows you to enter working life (the labor market) quickly
accessing trades such as: caregiver (field of elderly, disabilities
...), child care assistant (field of childhood, nursery, maternity ...),
family intervention technician ...
The school also offers apprenticeship training units (UFA)
vast complex formation. Studies focused on the business service and
marketing, food and service Hôtelier. They are aimed at young people
aged 16 to 25 ns): A schedule and individualized support, contract paid
work term with a company (file) as a percentage of the minimum wage.
CAP Cuisine, Service and Marketing CAP. CAP Agent Versatile
Restoration. CAP Hotel Service. Bachelor of Professional Restoration. . Complementary mention desserts Assiette Restaurant in ..
The hotel training
Certificate of Qualification, which allows you to enter working life ..
The Bachelor hospitality professionals and technology can also integrate the workforce or pursue a post bac BTS
Post Bac formations :
Social and Family Economics: The senior technician in ESF contributes
to the information and training of users and staff in the areas of
nutrition and health, budget and consumption, equipment and development
of habitat, environment and sustainable development.
Sectors: housing, social, collective care for the elderly, hospitals, social service, socio-cultural ...
Diet: The Diet BTS trains future professionals in the field of
nutrition. They become employees of physicians, managers, researchers
and communities. The senior technician in Dietetics brings its
scientific and technical expertise to ensure the adaptation of food
needs, food quality and preparation, compliance with the rules of
hygiene, establishing schemes on prescription ...
Professions Hospitality and Catering: The BTS Professions Hospitality
and Catering trains future managers of large hotel establishments (Head
waiter, chef, head waiter)
Main entrance, A recent high school built in 1992, An area of 20 000 m2
A boarding school girl and a boy boarding school from Monday to Saturday

Hotelier Sector
Access to service hotelier