

Abridged from”Modern slave migrant toil in Italy’s tomato fields”,by Silvia Aloisi,Reuters, September 28, 2009.

RIGNANO GARGANICO(Italy)-After crossing half of Africa and surviving a perilous  boat trip from Libya escaping from hunger,war or dictatorship in search of a better life in Italy,every year thousands of immigrants, many of them from Africa, arrive in the fields of southern Italy to work as seasonal workers picking grapes, olives, tomatoes and oranges.
Broadly tolerated by the authorities thanks to their role in the economy, they endure long hours of backbreaking work and live in squalid camps without running water or electricity.
“ I never thought  it would be like this in Italy. Even
dogs better off than us”, said Bailo, a 24- year-old from Guinea struggling to survive in an area of Puglia which produces 35% of Italy's tomatoes. “ it's better to die than to live like this, because at least when you die your problems are over”.
In this period, the government launched a law to regulate immigrants illegally employed in cleaning or caring for the elderly by Italian families , but that does not apply to those working at bringing tomatoes in from the fields.
Bailo, who was denied an asylum request, says he has  worked eight days in the past two months “and I didn't even put 100 euros in my pocket “.
The going pay for illegal tomato pickers is 3,5 euros per “cassone”, a big plastic crate that, when full, weighs 35 kg. On a good day, workers can hope to make as much as 25 euros from working from dawn to dusk. But in most cases they will have to pay a percentage to the so-called “ caporali “ ,who are middlemen who select the workforce for the farm owners and control that the job gets done.
“These modern slaves are handy for the economy: you can exploit them and then get rid of them when you don't need them anymore” said Father Arcangelo Maira, a local priest trying to help the immigrants.
People sleep on bug-infested mattresses in overcrowded shacks made of cardboard and plastic sheets or in decrepit houses.
After turning a blind eye for years in Puglia, regional authorities in August set up 60 portable toilets and 20 water tanks to serve an estimated 1500 immigrants until October, when most will move further south to the Calabria region for the orange harvest.
“the condition in which they live and eat are extremely precarious. These are youg, strong people who arrive in Italy in good health and fall sick here“,said MSF (Doctors Without Borders ) doctor Alvise Benelli. Spending hours kneeling or bending in the fields means that many suffer from back and muscle pain. The lack of hygiene causes skin and intestinal diseases. There is also an increasing number of people suffering from depression.
“They left their country and came here hoping to find an El Dorado, but they end up living in conditions that are often worse than what they had at home”, said Benelli. “You see it most when they are forced to stay indoors, they sleep for much of the they of the day and don't answer when we speak to them. Sometimes I have seen them cry”



Today we want to deal with a classic recipe, even the recipe for excellence, which at first glance may seem easy to prepare, but, actually, cooking a good Neapolitan pizza margherita is hard, but nothing is impossible, so with a bit of will and imagination, today we deal with the Neapolitan margherita pizza, cooked in a wood oven alfapizza. The history of pizza is pretty well known, but for the uninitiated, the margherita pizza is out of the hands of the chef Raffaele Esposito of Pizzeria Brandi, who in June of 1889, to honor the Queen of Italy, Margherita of Savoy, created the Margherita pizza, where the toppings, tomato, mozzarella and basil, represented just the Italian flag.


1 liter of water
2 Kg of flour
6 tablespoons olive oil
20 g of fresh yeast
50 grams of sea salt
teaspoon of sugar
1.2 kg of fresh mozzarella
1.6 Kg of tomato sauce
fresh basil


But let's see how they prepare the Neapolitan pizza margherita.
Mix the flour with water until everything is well mixed, the consistency of the dough should be soft, we recommend that you add water a little at a time. Add the yeast, oil and salt and continue to knead. After rising, the dough balls should be 180-200 gr and cover to get an 'other leavening. Once you are ready with the hot oven (300 ° C) roll out the dough balls in hand looking for a more rounded shape possible.
To make sure that the cornice is higher, stretch the pizza from the center by moving the air inside of the dough towards the outside. This will make sure that the air increasing the volume will create perfect eaves. Spread the tomato, previously mixed with oil and salt, with a circular moving, add the mozzarella and olive oil and bake. When you believe that the pizza is ready take away from the oven and add the fresh basil.




Ashura is a sweet which is representing for living together

The month of Muharram is a different place in our heart.There are a lot of stories about this month.We know that prophet Noah is rescuet from flood.For this story  prophet Noah cooked the all foods in his ship.After,”Ashura” is created by him.But Ashura is expressing different things from sweet for us.Ashura contains different foods.These different foods Show us that,people from different languages,different colors of skin,different religions,different race can be living together.It is a delicious taste.For that reason we are cooking this sweet for years in muharram mont.And we share it with our friends and relatives.This year we cooked and shared this sweet with friends in our school.


Tradational Turkish Food -Gözleme

Gözleme is a savoury traditional Turkish pastry dish, made of hand-rolled dough that is lightly brushed with butter and eggs, filled with various toppings, sealed, and cooked over a griddle.
The name derives from the Turkish word göz meaning "compartment", in reference to the pocket of dough in which the various toppings are sealed and cooked. Traditionally, this is done on a saç griddle.
Toppings for gözleme are numerous and vary by region, and include a variety of meats (minced beef, chopped lamb, seafood), vegetables (spinach, zucchini, eggplant), mushrooms (porcino, chanterelle, truffle), tubers (potatoes, yams, cassava, radish), cheeses (feta, Turkish white cheese, lavaş, kaşar, kaşkaval), as well as eggs, and seasonal herbs and spices.



1 kg flour
2 eggs
½ kg spinach
1 onion
1 tsp pepper
1 tsp black pepper
1/ 2 glas of oil
Some salt and butter



Farms in the North of France

In the region where our school is located, agriculture and livestock are important. There are many farms. Some of them are very old and beautiful as you can see.
Lycée Yourcenar (FRANCE)


Healthy eating

Healthy eating
     With the cooperation of our post-baccalaureate students, taking a degree in social and family economy, we have studied all the problems that could threaten youngsters: alcohol, drugs, junk food, cigarettes….We wanted our intervention to catch everybody’s attention and to warn them against the dangers of bad eating habits and the consequences on their health. We intended to stress the importance of quality food and healthy eating. A well balanced meal is something really important in a person’s life. Consequently, we have given varied examples of foods that were essential for young people’ well-being and typical seasonal meals.
     Mrs. Thorel, our librarian suggested having an exhibition to sensitize everybody to the importance of quality meals. We have created eye-catching posters and the best ones received a reward after a school vote.
     It was an interesting experience which appealed to most students. We‘ll start again with recipes!
Nicole RICCI 
Lycée Yourcenar
You can see all the photos here:


Easter Soup

Easter Soup

· 1/4 kg of chickpeas.
· 1/4 kg white beans.
· A piece of cod of 125 gr.
· A bay leaf.
· A sprig of parsley.
· Two garlic cloves.
· 1/2 wallet of saffron.
· Salt
· Oil.

How to do it:
The night before was thrown into a bowl of water the chickpeas, beans and cod. It pulls the water in which they have been soaking the legunbres and cod.
In a saucepan put water and throw the vegetables and cod. When water comes to a boil add the bay leaf, parsley, garlic cloves (unpeeled), saffron, salt and a dash of oil. Boil for one hour and a quarter in normal pot.


Félix Torres Tejero
Jesús.M Gallego Palomino

white garlic

white garlic

· Four tablespoons bean meal.
· Two garlic cloves.
· Salt
· Olive oil.
· Vinegar.

How to do it:
In a mortar, crush the garlic with the salt. You add the flour and oil and moves with a dash of vinegar. Once the paste is added to water to consumer tastes, approximately a liter of water.


Félix Torres Tejero
Jesús.M Gallego Palomino


Travel diary in the mobility to Riccia (Italy)

Travel Journal

Sunday 17th of March 2013  
          This day I got up at 6 o´clock and then we went to the airport of Granada, we caught the flight and we flew to the airport of Madrid. In this airport we ate and we went to buy clothes. At four o´clock more o less we flew to Rome. Then we caught the bus and we went to the hotel and we went to have dinner later. At the end we went to the bed.

Monday 18th of March 2013
           In the morning, first we got up early and we had breakfast, then we left the hotel and we visited a little part of Rome. We visited a lot of church and the “Fontana de Trevi” is very beautiful. Next we went to the hotel and we had lunch a pannini and finally we met with the Turkish´s teachers.
          In the afternoon we met with the students of Turkish, they are very friendly. We went to Riccia and then we entered the hotel. We saw a students of Greece and we met them.
          At night we caught a bus and we went to the school because they organized a party. We danced all the night and we met with the student of Italy. At the end we arrived at the hotel and we spoke a lot of time with Greece´s students.


 Tuesday 19th of March 2013
          In the morning we went to Riccia and they showed us their town hall. The mayoress told that this day was very important because was the day of “San Giuseppe”. Then all of the students chose a other student and we went to his or her house to had lunch. The name of my Italian was Luchia. Their traditions are very different to Spanish traditions. First we had to pray, then we drank a glass of wine and ate bread. Next we ate thirteen typical plates, for example spaghettis, fish, red orange, pepper, rice with milk, etc. At the end of the lunch we had pray other time and finally we went to school.
          In the afternoon we did activities with the students of Greece, Turkish and Rumanians. We did groups and we answers a questions for example:
          -What´s your name?
          -What´s your favourite singer?
          -What´s your favourite book?
          At night we went to the hotel, we ate pizza and finally we spoke with the students of Greece and went to sleep.


Wednesday 20th of March 2013
­­            In the morning we went to Campobasso, we saw the city, we bought clothes and we went to a shopping centre for lunch.
          In the afternoon we went to the school and we did different activities with all the students.
          At night we arrived to the hotel and we went to the bedroom of Greeks and we slept.

 Thursday 21st of March 2013
          In the afternoon we caught the bus and we went to Napoles, we saw the castle and we took a lot of photos. We visited the city and we went to a big square, here we bought bracelets and presents for our friends.
          In the afternoon we went to Pompeya and we had lunch in a restaurant, then we went to drank a coffe with Greeks and finally we went to other party to dismiss.
          At night we had a party, we danced, we ate pizza and we took a lot of photos. At the end we cried a lot and we went to the hotel.


Friday 22nd of March 2013
          On Friday we went to the airport and we dismiss the Greeks, I cried a lot because they are good people and I made love. Then we went to Rome and we had lunch Panini.
          In the afternoon we visited Rome and we went to the Coliseum, a lot of church, mouth of truth and pantheon. Then we met with Turkish and we had dinner in a restaurant of pizza.
          At night we went to Navona´s square and we dismiss to Turkish and we went to the hotel.


Saturday 23rd of March 2013
          We got up very early because we went to Vaticano, first we went to the museum and “Capilla Sistina” it was very beautiful and very big.
          Then we went to “Basilica de San Pedro” and the square of “San Pedro”. I love the “Basilica” because it was very enormous, beautiful and surprising. At the end we went shopping.

          At night we went to had dinner a Japanese restaurant, the food was delicious and I love it!


     Sunday 24th of March 2013
      On Sunday we caught the bus for went to the airport and we ate in this airport, the we flew to Madrid and we took photos and finally we flew to the airport of Granada and we went to our houses.


Paola Gálvez Ramírez