

The long build up to Easter is called Lent. The day before Lent begins is called Shrove Tuesday. 'Shrove' means being forgiven for wrong-doings. Shrove Tuesday - also known as Pancake Day - is the day before Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent.  It happens on a different date each year depending on when Easter is. This year Shrove Tuesday was on 12 February, 2013.

Traditionally viewed as a day of repentance, Shrove Tuesday has become the last day for celebration and feasting before the period of fasting required during the Lenten season. The name denotes a period of cleansing, wherein a person brings their lusts and appetites under subjection through abstention and self-sacrifice.

The concept behind this practice is found in 1 Corinthians 9:27, where the Apostle Paul states: "I buffet my body and make it my slave..." Ironically, Shrove Tuesday has evolved into a day of frivolity and indulgence, during which people participate in as much pleasure and self-gratification as they can before Lent begins.

Shrove Tuesday originated during the Middle Ages. As in contemporary times, food items like meats, fats, eggs, milk, and fish were regarded as restricted during Lent. To keep such food from being wasted, many families would have big feasts on Shrove Tuesday in order to consume those items that would inevitably become spoiled during the next forty days. The English tradition of eating pancakes on Shrove Tuesday came about as a way to use as much milk, fats, and eggs as possible before Ash Wednesday began. In France, the consumption of all fats and fatty foods on this day coined the name "Fat Tuesday" or Mardi Gras.

Originally beginning on Sunday, Shrove Tuesday was a three-day celebration that culminated in large feasts on Tuesday night. By the beginning of the 20th century, however, the event was restricted to the Tuesday observance. Carnival became associated with Shrove Tuesday, in part from the Spring Equinox celebrations that were practiced by the Romans and the ancient tribes of Europe. The word "carnival" comes from the Latin carnem levare, meaning "to take away the flesh". However, in the New Orleans and Rio de Janiero celebrations, public revelry and carousing have become the tradition for Carnival around the world. It was mostly as a result of the Carnival celebrations that the Church restricted the observance to a single day.

Shrove Tuesday has a variety of customs that have derived from different regions around Europe and the Americas. As previously mentioned, England began the tradition of serving pancakes, and for this reason the day is known as "Pancake Day". In addition, there are the annual Pancake Day Races, where contestants dress in aprons and scarves and race down a course flipping a pancake in a frying pan or skillet.

Perhaps the most prominent customs are the balls and pageants in New Orleans and Rio de Janeiro. Like Eastern European celebrations, participants wear masks and costumes, many of which are quite flamboyant and elaborate. Rio has a parade of multi-colored feathers, which include hundreds of dancers dressed in costumes decked with feathers, all dancing the samba. In New Orleans, Mardi Gras includes a variety of parades featuring grand floats and giant effigies of eccentric characters. There is much eating, drinking, and dancing, as well as practical jokes and humorous street plays.

For many Protestant believers, Shrove Tuesday holds no particular significance. For Catholics and Anglicans, however, the day is still observed with confession and absolution, in addition to modest feasting and rejoicing. 


Paws of pig

1. Introduction
 Usually done in March and April and especially for Easter week

8 pettitoes
1 ham hock bone
white wine
ground black pepper
2 bay leaves
1 kg of tomatoes
1 onion
4 garlic
¼ of green peppers
bell pepper
olive oil

3.How to prepare it

Cleaned and chopped hands pig.We put the ham hock in a pot with white wine to boil.We wait until the hand pig tender.We fry tomatoe,onion,green pepper,garlic and parsley.We grind this.Finally we grind the hands pig and sauce.
Alicia Moya Barranco

Iberican Pork chops with ham and mushrooms

This recipe appeared in a TV cooking south channel "Cómetelo" a cooking show for the whole family where every day our cook, the young chef Enrique Sanchez made ​​a recipe with one hundred percent Andalusian products.
You can see the recipe in this link SEE

2.Priego de Córdoba
See the information in the following link SEE

-8 Iberian pork chops
- 1 onion
- 1 green pepper

- 2 cloves garlic
- 200 g. of oyster mushrooms
- 100 g. ham
- 3 tomatoes
- 3 boiled potatoes
- 2 boiled eggs
- 1 glass of white wine
- Flour
- Parsley and paprika

María Gálvez Ramírez
Paola Gálvez Ramírez


Spanish Cooking workshop 2. English Cooking

Last Thusday 21st of February, IES Alfonso XI spanish higshchool organized the second cooking workshop of the serial the workshops which pupils will know  cooking of different countries. Teachers participating in the project believe that cooking is culture and of course, culture is cooking, so these workshops are very productive for pupils.

In this case, the workshop was dedicated to english cooking and the chef coming to help us was "Michael Jacobs", a famous writer and a very wellknown person in England for travelling books.

So, in this post you can see the menu of the workshop, a little explanation of the dishes (copied from Jamie Oliver's cooking book) and a video of a local TV.


Logo Contest Local Phase (Spanish)

Teachers participating in the project and teachers involve in the logo contest  can vote the three best logos for our Comenius Partnership in this phase one (Local phase, in this case, spanish phase). This three logos will go to the final phase with the logos of every country and of course they'll get a gift for the participation.

You can see the logos in the following link and in the corridors of our highschool since tomorrow morning. Don't forget see the number of the logo!!!

Form to vote in the spanish phase 


The history of the potato in Romania


          The history of the potato in Romania as a cultivated plant, probably, starts at the beginning of the 19th century. However, it may have been planted much earlier on a smaller scale in private gardens, at least in Transylvania. First, it was planted in Transylvania and from there it spread to Wallachia and Moldavia.

          From a documentary point of view, the potato appeared on Transylvania’s territory on 14th March 1769 when officials of  Grand Royal Guberniat of  Transylvania ( Sibiu ) gave out a circular letter on the potato crop because there were serious voices of the people who opposed to the culture of this plant.

          According to C. Teodorescu, in the district of  Brașov, in 1780, Bucșa – birăul  from the New Tohan reported to the public notary  that in that year nobody cultivated apples in the ground. In 1781 people from Zărnești reported to the authorities that the production of potatoes was going well.

          At the beginning of the 19th century, the potato spread because a series of measures were taken by the local and central authorities. Gheorghe  Șincai, in his paper  `` The advising to the economy of field  `` ( 1806 ) mentions the potato under the name of   `` crumpene ``  and  `` the pears from ground  ``. The book, written in Romanian language with cyrillic letters, was sent to the Romanians outside Transylvania.

          In 1814, Vasile Moga, the first Orthodox bishop of Ardeal during the Hapsburg administration, commands to the priests to urge people cultivate `` picioci ``.

          Due to the famine from 1814, the governor of Transylvania, Gheorghe Banffy II, gave a circular letter which advised people to cultivate potatoes even in the absence of the animals which might have helped them. It seems that during the reigning of Scarlat Callimachi (1812-1819) the potato crop was introduced into Moldavia, being brought from Transylvania, according to the farming expert Simion P. Radianu in 1906. This information is confirmed by the work of the Austrian diplomat Ștefan Raicevici who says that a French teacher held land on lease in Moldova, in 1812, land which was cultivated with potatoes. From the work of Nicolae Iorga called  `` The documents of  Callimachi family ``( 1902) results that the Callimachi, in order  to extend the culture of potatoes, said to A. I. Beldiman to translate in Greek language a brochure called ```Teaching people how to make bread out of potatoes ``( printed in Iași in 1818 ). This might be the first book in Romanian  about the potato.

          In Wallachia, the chronicle of  Ioan Gheorghe Caradja ( 1812-1818 ) reminds us about the selling of potatoes from Ardeal on the Bucharest market and about the crop of potatoes made by peasants from around the capital.        

 History teacher,
Vasile Ciubotaru





In this ppt we explain interesting things about agriculture.
You can see the ppt clicking here See
Also if you have problems to see the ppt you can choose this pdf version. It's faster!! See



This recipe appeared in a TV cooking Canal Sur (Andalusian Television Network) "Eat", a cooking show for the whole family where every day our cook, the young chef Enrique Sanchez, made ​​a recipe with one hundred products one hundred Andalusian.

2. The city:


Alcalá la Real is located in a strategic area that connects the Guadalquivir valley (across the river Guadajoz) with plain areas Grenadines, through rivers and Velillos Frailes. Its strategic position, not only on land, but in the same location in the city (on the Cerro de La Mota), gives fundamental importance in terms of roads throughout the story, which comes to confirm its importance when this area becomes border area during the Middle Ages with the Kingdom of Granada. It warns human occupation in different sites of the municipality from the Palaeolithic and prehistoric phases following as the Neolithic, Chalcolithic and the Bronze Age. Curiously, it is likely that this city was one of the last sites where Neanderthals lived. From the Bronze Final, at stages ancient Iberian, Iberian settlements are seen small range, as the nuclei of genets and the Ribera Alta Mesa.

3. Ingredients:

Day Issue: May 29, 2012
- 1 glass of beer
- 2 chicken breasts
- 100 g. bacon
- 3 medium potatoes cooked
- 100 g. blue cheese
- 1 onion
- 1 stalk of celery
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 2 eggs
- 1 cup chicken stock
- 1 cup of cream
- Oregano and thyme

4. Preparation process:

- Brown the chicken breasts with oil and fire away.
- Earlier in the same oil, saute the chopped onion, chopped celery stalk, the sliced ​​garlic, diced bacon, a teaspoon of oregano and some sprigs of thyme.
- Return the chicken to the pan, pour beer and chicken stock. Cover slightly and cook 20 minutes over medium heat.
- Peel the boiled potatoes, mash well with a fork, season and shape of ball. Make a small hole, insert into each ball a little blue cheese and cover with more mashed potatoes.
- Uncover the pan, pour the cream over the chicken breasts and let the sauce recudir over medium-high heat.
- Pass the potato balls egg white, lightly beaten, and fry in oil. Drain on paper.

Noemí Álvarez Cano
Jose Carlos Cervera López 
Ángela Baeza López.


Food and health

Why eat?
Without a regular supply of food, which we use as fuel, our body would quickly cease to function. Different types of food fulfil various functions, such as supplying and ensuring growth. To stay healthy, you need a balanced diet with all types of food. Milk and cheese, meat, fish and eggs, vegetables and fruits, cereals, sugar products, fats should not miss from your diet.

What does food contain?

A child needs a full and varied diet because the growing up process presupposes the use of a large quantity of energy. A complete diet should include food from all groups, because they contain:
• Proteins – ensure a proper development of the body;
• Fats - give energy
• Sugar - a source of energy;
• Minerals - calcium, iron and so on;
• Vitamins - prevent illnesses.

How do we fatten?

If you eat too much, excess food is converted into fat and stored in special fat cells. Cells can grow in size and you gain weight.
If you eat less than you need fat reserves are used as energy and you lose weight.
 On average, fat people live less than thin people. It is more likely that these people suffer from diseases, including heart diseases.


• Do not eat standing up or in a hurry because the stomach does a great effort to digest and you can get sick;
• Serve meals at the same time, be quiet at the table, do not read, do not talk, do not watch television while eating;
• Do not eat too much at once, do not overload the stomach and do not drink too much water or juice because it will bother your stomach and it will make you sick;
• Drink water or juice after you ate.


• The dishes, the cutlery and the table must be clean; your hands too so do not forget to wash them before eating.
• Food should be eaten fresh or cooked hygienically.
• Food should be covered and kept in special places to avoid contact with insects, rodents or other bacteriological carriers. Temperature is important as well, so keep you food in dry, cold places and do not forget to check the expiry date.

Pre-school teacher,
  Mitrea Bianca

Food color affects health

Food color affects health

VI.1.Food color is indicative of a certain dose of nutrients they contain. Oricine poate distinge sursele anumitor vitamine sau minerale dacă se ghidează după acest principiu. Anyone can distinguish the sources of certain vitamins or minerals they are guided by this principle.
EatingC onsumul a cinci sau chiar mai multe mese pe zi de fructe şi legume colorate constituie o parte din planul unei vieţi sănătoase, pentru că fructele şi legumele colorate asigură necesarul de vitamine, minerale şi fibre pentru o bună funcţionare a organismului şi energie optimă; protejează împotriva efectelor îmbătrânirii şi reduce riscul de cancer şi boli cardiovasculare .Eating five or more meals a day of colorful fruit and vegetables is part of a healthy life plan, because coloured fruit and vegetables provide the necessary vitamins, minerals and fiber for proper functioning of the body and optimal energy, protecting the body against the effects of aging and reducing the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. [i]
Roşu ( pentru sănătate şi vitalitate ) Red (health and vitality) 

Deep red and blue - purple
Strugurii, murele, prunele, ridichile, coacăzele negre, smochinele, vinetele, varza roşie, stafidele, andivele sunt foarte bogate în vitamina C şi bioflavonoide. Grapes, blackberries, plums, radishes, black currants, figs, eggplant, red cabbage, raisins, chicory are rich in vitamin C and bioflavonoid. Din acest motiv sunt recomandate pentru a sporii imunitatea organismului sau pentru a prevenii cancerul. They are therefore recommended because they increase the immunity of the body and prevent cancer. Sfecla roşie conţine foarte mult fier şi magneziu şi, deoarece împiedică depunerea grăsimilor în organism, este ideală pentru asigurarea unui meniu echilibrat persoanelor care urmează o dietă. Beetroot contains a lot of iron and magnesium, as it prevents fat storage in the body is ideal for providing a balanced menu of people who follow a diet. Nu este de evitat folosirea acestei culori la salate sau la deserturi. It is a colour you should use for salads or desserts.
 Yellow and orange
Aceste culori indică o concentraţie mare de potasiu, carbohidraţi, precum şi o doză importantă de betacaroten şi vitamina C. Folosirea lor asigură un aspect sănătos al corpului, reduc riscul apariţiei cancerului, întăresc sistemul imunitar, menţin inima sănătoasă. These colors indicate a high concentration of potassium, carbohydrates, and a significant dose of beta-carotene and vitamin C. Their use ensures a healthy heart, reduces the risk of cancer and strengthens the immune system. When we talk about yellow and orange we usually think about: lemons, oranges, quinces, pumpkins, corn, dry beans, carrots, yellow tomatoes, yellow peppers, cantaloupe, apricots, gooseberries, grapefruit, mango, papaya, pineapples etc. Făinoasele şi cartofii sunt sursele cele mai importante de amidon şi carbohidraţi, fiind recomandate în special copiilor aflaţi în perioada de creştere. Pasta and potatoes are the most important sources of starch and carbohydrates so they are highly recommended to children because they need them in order to grow up and develop properly.
White (for vitality) and brown
 It is no longer a secret to anyone that almost all white products (cheese, milk, yogurt, egg white, fish meat) are rich in calcium. Of course we can we take calcium from certain fruit or vegetables as well, but white products have an additional advantage: contain D and A vitamins, which are indispensable for fixing calcium in the body. We add white to any table at which we feel it would be needed: colours can add a starter or a garnish.
F ructele şi legumele albe şi cafenii ca:bananele, conopida, ghimbirul, usturoiul, ceapa, ciupercile, păstârnacul, guliile au o mare concentraţie de substanţe fitochimice. White and brown fruit and vegetables like banana, cauliflower, ginger, garlic, onions, mushroom, parsnip and turnip, have a high concentration of photochemical. Conţin alicina, întâlnită mai ales în plantele legumicole din grupa cepei. They contain allicin, found mainly in plants from the onion group. Este recomandată includerea în dietă a fructelor şi legumelor de culoare albă şi cafenie pentru că ajută la: reducerea riscului de cancer, combaterea bolilor de inimă, menţinerea colesterolului din sânge la nivel normal. It is recommended to include fruit and vegetables in the diet of white and brown colour because they help to reduce the risk of cancer, fight heart disease, maintaining normal blood cholesterol level. 
Verde ( pentru o sănătate de fier ) Green (for good health)
 It is known that the richest sources of vitamins are herbs. Vitamin C and E, which are to be found in herbs on a high level help the body defend itself from bacteria and pathogens, reducing the risk of many diseases. Spinach, cabbage, green beans, lettuce, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Chinese cabbage, cucumbers, leeks, onions, apples, avocado, kiwi and parsley and dill right and other herbs are some of the most important sources of iron and magnesium.

By Claudia - Mihaela Lisenche

ciorba radauteana