This blog

 What can you post with this blog?
1.- Work posts
You can do posts (at home label and in english) of 4 types (educatives, touristic, solidary and healthy).
  • A educative post It's a post where you write something about gastronomy and your subject 
  • A touristic post, It's a post where you write something about traditions, recepies from your region, companies or bussiness in relation with gastronomy or food.
  • A solidary post, It's a post where you write something about traditions and recepies from emigrants in your country, activities of colaboration to get food or money for poor people, .... Also you can write about the problem of waste of food in supermarkets.
  • A healthy post, It's a post where you write something about illnesses and other problems in relation with food, nutrition, healthy life and place where you can practice sports in your region.
Don't forget the label in the post (Educative, Touristic, Solidary, Healthy)

2.- Curiosities, experiencies... 
  • You can do posts telling your experience in every visit, you can add photos, and whatever you want in order to show about our project. Of course, you can post about experiences that you carry out with your pupils in relation to our Comenius Project.
 Don't forget the label in the post (In this case Experiencies in our project)

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