
Details of the locality.
Alcalá la Real is a Spanish village in the province of Jaén, Andalusia, located 71 km from the city of Jaen, and 50 km from the city of Granada. Its population is 22,783 inhabitants (2009, INE). It is located in the southwest corner of the province, bordering the provinces of Granada and Cordoba. With the following sequence of images you can see where Alcala la Real is exactly situated:
View 1 This is more o less Spain:
View 2 This is more or less Andalucía:
 View 3 This is Alcalá la Real
Perhaps the most emblematic monument and known in Alcalá la Real is the Fortaleza de la Mota, which we see in the image below.
General detalis about our higschool. IES Alfonso XI of Alcalá la Real was founded in 1968 and later renovated in 1984. The mail of our higschool is We have a website which offers information about it:
And a blog which provides updated information
Our highschool is a ICT higschool (wireless wifi connection is available and we have two classrooms with 24 computers) which gives our students the possibility to learn new technologies, has a magnificent library, a language classroom, a classroom technology, meeting, classroom tests and various sports facilities.
Specific details of the highschool We consider very important in our highschool the job that the tutors and mentors do with pupils. And of course we try to promote the participation of parents in all activities at the highschool.
In this course we have registered 789 students. There are 24 groups: Three of 1 ESO, three of 2 ESO, three of 3 ESO, three of 4 ESO, five of first Bachillerato (Non compulsary education), five of second of Bachillerato, two vocational training education in Computing: a medium grade half and a top grade.
There is a diversification program curriculum in 3 ESO and another in 4 ESO. There is also support classroom that serves students with special educational needs. Students are in heterogeneous groups, which promotes the integration of repeaters, and students with learning difficulties. They also comment that in some areas there are flexible groups, which is a good way to attend the diversity of skills and interests of students.
Absenteeism is not a problem at the highschool. There are no serious cases of violence or situations of discrimination, rejection or marginalization. Teachers are very satisfied with the level of cooperation of the parents of our students. And there is good collaboration with other local schools, City Hall and the Health Center.
Plans and projects in which the highschool is involved The highschool is participating in various educational plans or projects:With all these projects, the entire educational community of our school try to contribute to improve the education and to contribuite to a better life:
  • School ICT Project 2.0
    Try using web 2.0 tools in educational activities as a means to develop students' digital competence and, through it, the development of other core competencies and, consequently, improving the educational outcomes of students.
  • CISCO Networking Academy 
    Educational institutions and nonprofit organizations around the world deliver Networking Academy courses to help improve local career opportunities. The courses cover a range of topics from basic network design and theory to network security and advanced troubleshooting tools. 21st century skills such as problem solving, critical thinking, and collaboration are integrated into the curricula to help students succeed in their careers.
  • Walking Mathematics Project Alcalá la Real
    The project, winner of the Third National Educational Innovation Award 2011 and performed by the students of first of bachillerato in a optative subject “Proyecto integrado of Maths” . The main target of the project is to let everybody who comes to Alcala la Real to know the city from a different point of view. We offer the possibility everybody can practice maths outside, in the streets, using the city to do the exercises.
    The project website
  • Reinforcement Plan
    Through this program encourages students in active lifestyles and healthy, it facilitates the inclusion of pupils with special educational needs.

  • Family Plan
    The Plan of Family Support intend to complete the education of students in their free time. We open our highscholl in the afternoon two days per a week for offering free courses of English and French.

  • Accompanying Plan
    This program is designed to help students with difficulties in the ESO and is intended primarily for students of 1 º, 2 º and 3 º ESO difficulties and learning problems that are manifested in: deficiencies in the learning process basic instrumental areas, lack of work habits, lack of motivation to study, the delay in the process of personal maturation, poor integration into the group and in the highschool.

  • Equality Plan
    This plan is another step to help make real the values that favor development of a true equality between men and women in our life.

  • Sports Schools
    Through this program encourages students in active lifestyles and healthy, it facilitates the inclusion of pupils with special educational needs, improving positilily the atmosphere of the highschool, helping disadvantaged groups.

  • Bilateral Comenius Project
    Last year our highschool began a bilateral Comenius project to improve french language. You can get more infomation in the following blog
  • Exchanging english pupils
    Our highschool have taken exchanging of pupils with german and english students for many years.

Spanish Educational System
In the following link you can get some information about our Educational Spanish System See