
Homemade Mashed Potatoes

This is another typical Riccia's dish. Our town I surrounded by a lot of farms where there is a good production of potatoes. There is a particular zone at 1000 metres of altitude producing potatoes famous in the whole region.


-1 kg potatoes
-1/2 lt of milk
-3 tbsp butter
-1 tbsp of cheese

1.Take your potatoes and peel them, then cut them in a few(3-4) pieces.

2.Put those cut potatoes into a pot, cover them with cold water and add some salt. Bring them to boil and then let them simmer for about 15 minutes.

3.To be sure your potatoes are cooked, pierce one with a knife or a fork: if it's soft then it's done.

4.Drain the potatoes.

5.Now it's time to mash the potatoes. Use a wire masher(even a fork will work).

6.Place the mashed potatoes into a pan, add some salt and pepper, if necessary, then milk, butter and cheese. Simmer for a few minutes. Serve warm with meat or other courses.


Rice with milk


This is a typical dish of Riccia, it is generally prepared for Saint Joseph day when Riccia's families prepare a big lunch inviting people who represent the Holy Family




This recipe it's taken of the book "Cocina Tradicional de Alcalá la Real" written by Bernardo Jurado y Mª Aurora Liranzo Canovaca.

Middle chicken. The chicken liver. A handful of rice per person. Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Parsley. Three cloves of garlic. A half onion. A green pepper. Half red pepper. Two tomatoes. Saffron. A glass of white wine. Salt. Pepper.

Put a large pan with lots of oil, and when the oil is hot, put the onion, garlic, liver. When browned, remove and threw him to the mortar, to which we add the parsley, pepper, saffron and crush everything very well and finally add the white wine. At the same time we take the chicken that you previously cleaned and seasoned. When meat is browned, add the pepper and tomato. When the tomato is frite, add the contents of the mortar and boil for fifteen minutes. Add water to the pan, as the number of people and once the water is hot, put a handful of rice per person and saffron for color.




    This recipe is extracted of the book "Cocina tradicional de Alcalá la Real" whose authors are Bernardo Jurado y Mª Aurora Liranzo Canovaca.


- Two egg.

-1/4 liter of milk.

-400 grs. of sugar.

- which supports flour.

 -ground cinnamon.

-olive oil.


- Beat eggs, add milk, sugar, cinnamon and flour into a dough.

-We take the dough and rub sticks forming.

-Fry sticks with a lot of oil.

-We took them out when they are golden brown. 

 Sandra Castillo y Ana Mª González.


    This recipe is extracted of the book "Cocina tradicional de Alcalá la Real" whose authors are Bernardo Jurado y Mª Aurora Liranzo Canovaca.
    It is a sweet food. It is possible complement with chocolate, sugar…
- One egg
- Two spoonfuls of flour.
- One spoonful of sugar
- Oil

Inmaculada Aceituno Honrubia
Dámaris Liébana Bolívar


    This recipe is extracted of the book "Cocina tradicional de Alcalá la Real" whose authors are Bernardo Jurado y Mª Aurora Liranzo Canovaca.
    It is a sweet food.
    - five whites of egg.
    - half a kilo of sugar
    - the small one of ground cinnamon

Inmaculada Acietuno Honrubia
Dámaris Liébana Bolívar


Visiting Frailes

It was raining when our visit to Frailes began. The visit was held on 26th October. We first visited a wine factory, where we could see how the local wine is made. We could even taste some kind of wines made there. Later, we went to a company started by a family, which is specialized in cheese production. They make several sorts of cheese, which have won lots of prizes. We could again taste them. Yummy!

Our next stop was at another small company, which produces some of the best pork delicatessen in the local area. We could taste everything, and everyone was amazed with these products, because they had never tasted them before. Every single person in town was so kind with us and they didn't hesitate in offering us whatever we needed.

We were driven later to the town hall, where the principal welcomed us. They gave us a little speech and also some presents.

We, then, went to an oil factory which is the smallest in the world. It´s placed inside a particular house, in a small room. Its owner is one of the most famous and loved men in Frailes. He´s an authentical man, and a complete idol.

Our journey finished in the restaurant El Choto, where we had a fantastic lunch. We could share our opinions and talk about what we had seen.

However, this is not what we liked the most. The best thing about doing this kind of activities is that it lets us improve our English because we have to deal with several everyday life issues and it also gets us used to hearing and understanding another language. The greatest thing about this is that we could also meet some marvellous people from different countries, learn about their lifestyle, their culture and moreover, we made awesome friends.


Saint's bones.

This sweet was prepared for the festivity of the Saints and they were selling them proclaiming them for the streets.
This recipe is in the book of the traditional kitchen of Alcalá la Real of Bernardo Jurado and Mª Aurora Liranzo Canovaca.

- 4 eggs
- 4 shells of brown olive oil
- sugar
- ground cinnamon
- flour (the one that admits the mass)

How to prepare it:

María Gálvez Ramírez
Paola Gálvez Ramírez



This recipe is in the book of the traditional kitchen of Alcalá la Real of Bernardo Jurado and Mª Aurora Liranzo Canovaca.
 It is native to Arabic cuisine and is a stew that is made with offal of poultry as wings, feet, livers and sweetbreads.
This dish is typical of the Christmas party that is prepared with Turkey.


-big chicken
- 4 or 5 cloves of garlic
-black pepper ground and in bean
-3 spoonfuls of olive oil
-a piece of Saffron in strand
-cured ham into pieces
-half a glass of white wine or common

How to do it


María Gálvez Ramírez
Paola Gálvez Ramírez


Omelette of collejas.

usually done in March and April and especially for Easter week

A plate full of collejas.
6 Eggs.

How to prepare it:
You clean the collejas, taking of the hard piece ad clean the dust.
Next you boil them with water and salt and you leave them drain .
You put oil in the pan , and you fry the collejas.
You pour the egg..
you put the collejas.
You make them at low fire and you flip it for that its made in both sides.


Calf with garlic

It is recipe is extracted of a so called book Cocina tradicional de Alcalá la Real, whose authors are: Bernardo Jurado Gómez y Mª Aurora Liranzo Canovaca.


.One kilo and a half of calf
.Two croutons
.Four or five garliess
.Saffron in fiver
.Black ground pepper
.White wine
.Olive oil
.Offal of calf

José Ariza Cervera

Meat of quince.


This recipe we have found in the book '' The traditional cuisine of Alcalá la Real.'' Their authors are: Bernardo Jurado Gomez and Maria Aurora Liranzo Canovaca.


One kilograme of quince 
 ¾ of kilograme of sugar

How to prepare it: 

Loin with garlic.


This recipe we have found in the book '' The traditional cuisine of Alcalá la Real.'' Their authors are: Bernardo Jurado Gomez and Maria Aurora Liranzo Canovaca.


One kilograme and half loin.
Two fried bread.
Four or five cloves of garlic.
Saffron filaments.
Saffron wallet.
Ground black pepper.
White wine.
Olive oil.
Offal loin

How to prepare it: 



1.- Introduction 

tell something about the origin of the dish or where it's typical....

2.- Ingredients 
 write the ingredients of the dish

3.- How to prepare it
You can watch it in this video



This recipe is extracted of the book La Cocina Tradicional De Alcalá la Real of Bernardo Jurado Gómez and Mª Aurora Liranzo Canovaca.
For cooking this plate we need this ingredients:
  1. 150 grams of ham done chunks.
  2. 4 Garlic cloves.
  3. Olive oil.
  4. Salt.
  5. Mint.
  6. Hard bread. 

Jose Antonio Ruiz Castillo.


Comenius teachers visiting IES Alfonso XI.

During the first visit to Spain, one the activities was planned in order to get in contact spanish pupils with foreigner teachers was to get into the classes.

So, in two different days, 2 hours every day, was possible to see things like this:
  • Spanish pupils speak in greek
  • Spanish pupils being very curious about the culture, traditions, and of course about pupils from teachers came from. They wanted to know many things, so they asked many questions.
For the spanish teachers participating in the Comenius project was a very good experience, we enjoyed a lot seeing everything was happening.


Rice with milk. Spanish recepie.

1.- Introduction
This post is dedicated to show how you can prepare this delicious and famous spanish dessert....

2.- How to prepare this delicious dessert


3.- A video of the preparation
