Health ang Gastronomy
In this post we intend first, show the rich cuisine of this Andalucía province and on the other, use the value for natural parks and hiking trails that can be carried out in them.We try to encourage the establishment of habits based healthy living and proper nutrition in sport.Córdoba

Cordoba is a city in Andalucía, Spain, by the Guadalquivir river at the foot of Sierra Morena.
Córdoba has got 328.547 people.
The most importany cities:
Lucena, Priego de Córdoba, Montemayor, Belalcázar, Almodóvar del Rio, Rute, Zuheros y Montilla.Famous people born in Córdoba:
Julio Romero de Torres (painter), Gonzalo Fdez de Córdoba (grand master), Manolete (bullfighter), Maimonides (philosopher) and Seneca (politician and painter).
Important monuments:
Mezquita de Córdoba, Torre de Calahorra, Alcázar de los Reyes cristianos, Medina Azahara, Puente romano, la sinagoga, caballerizas reales, el templo romano, la torre de la malmuerta y castillo de Almodóvar.
Photos of the city:
Photos of the city:
-El salmorejo
-El rabo de toro
-Los flamenquines de jamón serrano
-Los boquerones en vinagre
-Pastel cordobés
Habits of healthy life:
The practice of regular physical activity should be a constant throughout the life of all individuals, and that have proven qu from different points of view of its benefits on health. However, studies show a tendency habits of the population towards the acquisition of sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy so it is necessary to continue investigating the causes.
It is important to note that physical activity is beneficial in itself, if not considering criteria and proper guidance. It considers three key areas on which influences the practice of physical activity: physiological, psychological and social.
-On a physiological level, f'sico exercise has positive effects on the body both disease prevention and treatment of some. In this line, divide the benefits of regular physical activity practice in four main sections:
-Improvement of cardiorespiratory function
-Reduction of the risk factors of coronary heart disease
-Decreased mortality and morbidity
-Other benefits: decreased anxiety and depression, increased sense of well being, increased job performance and recreational activities.
-Reduction of the risk factors of coronary heart disease
-Decreased mortality and morbidity
-Other benefits: decreased anxiety and depression, increased sense of well being, increased job performance and recreational activities.
-On a psychological level, we analyze the psychological benefits of physical activity in preventing both mental disorders, such as anxiety and stress treatments.Moreover, the perception of motor skills and physical appearance self-esteem and provides greater independence.
-At the social level, the sport is considered as an excellent means of social integration. The sports physical activity can bring social values such as respect, cooperation, teamwork, camaraderie, responsibility, among others, and personal values as creativity, discipline, health, sacrifice and humility.
Natural spaces in Córdoba:
Andalucía can boast of having in each of the provinces, some beautiful natural areas where all kinds of sports and ultimately creating a healthy lifestyle.
There are 18 parks in the province:
Natural Parks:
Laguna de Zóñar
Sierra de Hornachuelos
Sierra de Cardeña y Montoro
Fuente Agria
Fuente La Zarza
La Sierrezuela
Los Cabezos
Los Villares
Cueva de los Murciélagos
Sotos de la Albolafia
Laguna Amarga
Laguna de los Jarales
Laguna del Conde o Salobral
Laguna del Rincón
Laguna de Tíscar
Embalse de Cordobilla
Embalse de Malpasillo
Sierras Subbéticas
Sierra de Hornachuelos
Sierra de Cardeña y Montoro
Fuente Agria
Fuente La Zarza
La Sierrezuela
Los Cabezos
Los Villares
Cueva de los Murciélagos
Sotos de la Albolafia
Laguna Amarga
Laguna de los Jarales
Laguna del Conde o Salobral
Laguna del Rincón
Laguna de Tíscar
Embalse de Cordobilla
Embalse de Malpasillo
Sierras Subbéticas
Hiking route

Km 1. Take the greenway, bridges, trenches and slopes all the way. Is Natural Park boundary, including olive, fig and walnut trees. There are agricultural crossroads and road. There's plenty of bicycle and pedestrian traffic.
Km 4.5. Doña Mencia station, has a bar and a soda machine. The people on the right is removed.
Km 4.5. Doña Mencia station, has a bar and a soda machine. The people on the right is removed.
17.3 Km. Cabra station, museum information and railway equipment. At the first junction left and ascend the road to the left, climb stronger in the end. As you move up the olive trees disappear and appears with some pine scrub.
22.7 Km. Passing the stud is taken very steep path to the door and take the road uphill, to the chapel. It comes in a pine forest.
24.3 Km. Chapel of Our Lady of the Sierra, views of Cabra, the park and the polje. Before the gate of the shrine is taken down the path across a metal door, among pine trees and loose stones deteriorated pavement.
Km 25. Leave the road and take the track on the left, downhill to the Nava polje. 27.35 Km. Crossing tracks, take the left, there are large potholes, flat bottom is Polje.
24.3 Km. Chapel of Our Lady of the Sierra, views of Cabra, the park and the polje. Before the gate of the shrine is taken down the path across a metal door, among pine trees and loose stones deteriorated pavement.
Km 25. Leave the road and take the track on the left, downhill to the Nava polje. 27.35 Km. Crossing tracks, take the left, there are large potholes, flat bottom is Polje.
29.9 Km. The track turns left, continue straight on shot in the grass, soon after there is a metal door with a step to the right are oaks, track areas alternating with rocks, continuous and short ledges and slopes.
Km 36. Houses in ruins, a step down to having always water, there is a spring on the right before crossing the pond and rocks of considerable height on the right.
Km 36. Houses in ruins, a step down to having always water, there is a spring on the right before crossing the pond and rocks of considerable height on the right.
Km 38. You reach Zuheros road to Bat Cave which amounts to the right. The route continues down the road to exceed the mileage milestone 2.
Km 39.7. Trail entrance to the canyon, past the km 2 and before a curve with a gently caseta.Inicialmente grass is low, then there are rocky areas and increases the slope to reach the river.
Km 40. Riverbed Bailon is crossed several times, the canyon, high walls and areas with stones. Near the end there is a slight rise before going down a steep, paved path with steps to the road.
Km 39.7. Trail entrance to the canyon, past the km 2 and before a curve with a gently caseta.Inicialmente grass is low, then there are rocky areas and increases the slope to reach the river.
Km 40. Riverbed Bailon is crossed several times, the canyon, high walls and areas with stones. Near the end there is a slight rise before going down a steep, paved path with steps to the road.
María Gálvez Ramírez
Paola Gálvez Ramírez
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