
Antonio Banderas

AnTonio BanDeraS

Born in Málaga. He is an actor, singer, producer and filmmaker Spanish. He began his career during the 80s in Spain. He worked with various theater companies for a few years, in Madrid, decided to continue his career in the capital. His interventions in the works History of the Taranto and the daughter of the air are the most notable, their participation of Edward II of England. The relationship with Almodóvar Antonio Banderas was instrumental in his career. Banderas Spanish actor who has achieved more fame.
When he began his acting career?
.In the 70s
.In the 80s
.In the 85s
In the 75s

Where decided to continue his artistic career?
.In Valencia
.In Madrid
.In Málaga
.In Barcelona

Where born Antonio Banderas?
.In Cordoba
.In Sevilla
.In Málaga
.In Madrid

Who was important in your career?
.James Cameron
.Angelina Jolie

Sandra Castillo Aguilar 4ºC
 Ana Mª González García 4ºC

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