

The tortillita de camarones is a small omelette based in wheat flour, chickpea flour, water, salt, chive, onion, parsley and shrimp. We do a liquid mass and it is fried in the pan with a lot of olive oil. It is very typical from Cadiz and it is eaten recent fried for they are crunchy.

The actual recipe of the tortillitas de camarones has known makers, it is from a preview traditional recipe in several populations of the Bahía de Cádiz.


1. Where is tortillita de camarones from?

a) Barcelona.
b) Galicia.
c) Huelva.
d) Cádiz.

2. How is it tortillita de camarones cooked?

a) In a stew.
b) Fried.
c) Boiled.
d) Baked.

3. Which is the main ingredient of the tortillita de camarones?

a) Shrimp.
b) Tune.
c) Chicken.
d) Vegetable.

Judit Gutiérrez Gámiz
Laura Hervás Vela
 4º ESO A

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