
Would you eat insects ?

Do you want a pizza with animal protéins which comes from Insects or towards flours. A restaurant in Guidel a city which is loacted in Bretagne in France serve this kind of food . Yes I know, it seems disgusted but the restaurant serve this kind of insects are hidden in the pizza.
In the future, because of the demographic increase, the traditional breeding could not give animals proteins enough.

But it is easy to breed insect, quickly, with not a lot of water, and surface ground. This breedings are environmental safely.

We already eat some insecst about 500 g when we are riding a bike or in the jam, the fruit juices, the bread…

Our ancètres from Lucy the australopithècus to Cro-Magnon were eating such a lot of insect that they wer be able to eat the all termite’s nest for breakfast.
About 1.2 millions of people already eat insects in Asia, Africa, South America. In Colombia, people eat ant like caviar.

The European community give 3 millions of euros to scientific research to consumption of insect.

So will you eat insects?
By Christophe Abraham

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