
Moldavian sponge cake recipe

Moldavian Sponge cake recipe

Ingredients: 1.5 kg flour, 60-80 g yeast, 15 eggs, 400-500 g sugar, 300 g butter, a few tablespoons of oil, 1 tablespoon of rum, ½ l of milk, 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 pack of vanilla sugar, lemon and orange flavor, walnuts and cocoa to taste.
Put 300g flour in a bowl, add boiling milk and mix it with a wooden spoon. Cool it a bit and then add yeast after you dissolve it in warm milk, 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1 tablespoon of flour. Mix them well and then cover the mixture with a cloth and then let it rise. Separate yolks from whites in different bowls. Mix the yolks with salt, gradually adding sugar. After the dough has risen pour over the yolks, add spices, flour and milk, and knead it well adding warm butter. This operation should take about an hour. The resulting dough should be mellow. Spread butter on top and cover it with a warm towel and let it rise two times its amount. After the dough has risen cut it and place each piece of dough on a board greased with butter or oil and gently stretch the piece so that it remains 1 inch thick. On the dough spread gently the filling of nuts with cocoa and sugar. Roll the dough, place it in forms and then brush the top with butter. Let it rise again and then put it in the heated oven. After an hour check it with a thin stick. Bon appetite!

Student: Molcalut Tudor - Andrei
Teacher: Filip Lacramioara - Petronela

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