
Where do you come from...

In this activity we try to meet a little bit more about every innmigrant student in our school. Sometimes they're with us but we don't know many things about them. So our intention is that, they feel more confident themselves and of course they show using gastronomy and traditions things about their countries.
  • Meet students from other countries studying in our school
  • Knowing some aspects of gastronomy, customs and traditions of the countries which students come from
  • To promote the participation of parents / mothers of our students in school activities
  • To practice english
Phases of the work:

1st To find out the name / s of immigrant students in the school we will interview
2nd to meet them, arrange a time / date of the interview, explain to the interviewer which is all about.
3rd To prepare the interview based on the following points:
- Find in a map the country of your interviewer
- Find information about the country, language spoken, population, economy, education, food, traditions, things you know (For this part of Wikipedia is usually a good choice)
- The interview will have several parts:
a) Personal: Prepare 4 or 5 questions to learn something of the student / a (name, course studying, place of birth, country of origin of your family, time taken in Spain, why his parents came to Alcala la Real , his favorite food ...)
Discover the country: To ask some questions about the city where he/she lived, on his/her memories of things he liked in his/her country, ...
Discover the traditions of the country: Try to find some typical tradition of the country related to food, that is, a special product to be prepared for certain celebrations (Christmas, Easter, Carnival ...)
Discover some recipes in the country: Ask the interviewer to bring you the recipe of two dishes from their country.
4th To write eveything you got it and translate to English. Review your mistakes, show it to your english teacher
5th Prepara a post in the blog of our
Solidarity Line http://gastrosolidaria.blogspot.com.es
Title: Meeting ...
The post will have several parts:
1. - Introduction
Copy the following and change what you need
In this post, we want to meet a little bit more of our innmigrant students in our school through gastronomy and traditions of immigrant students who are currently studying in school IES Alfonso XI. In particular in this case, we study....
2. - Country Information
Write 5 lines about the country of the students who you've interviewed, add a photo, map, etc ...
3. - Interview
Write the interview
4. - Recipes
Write the recipes given by the students
5. - Find a video online showing the preparation of these dishes, or if you can not find any, add a photo

Prepare a post in the blog of our Comenius Partnership (same points as in the previous blog but in English). You can find the blog in this direction http://gastroeurope.blogspot.com.es
NOTE: If you have several people to interview, do not limit yourself only just person, the work is more complete information if you get information of more people.

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