


500 g potatoes
500 g of salad tomatoes
1 Italian green pepper
75 g scallions
2 cans tuna in oil
1 dL oil
1 dl vinegar

1. First you have to cook the potatoes. This operation is the most complicated of this dish and to avoid problems, here is the step by step: peel the potatoes, cut them into lengthwise slices 1/2 inch thick, put them to boil in a saucepan with 1 liter of water, a pinch of salt and a bay leaf, about 8 to 10 minutes or until you can pierce the potato with a fork. Drain and reserve. Cooking hake, in the microwave or in a pan with a pinch of salt and pepper.
2. You just need to assemble the dish: a source, cover the bottom with cooked potatoes, add the tomato cut into pieces, the finely chopped pepper and onion cut into slices, cover with hake fillets and add the tuna cans. The Magic Touch: a splash of oil and a pinch of salt.
3. Cool and enjoy.

Is typical from Andalucía but specially from the province of Jaén.The pipirrana is a salad whose basic ingredients are onion, tomato, green pepper and cucumber. Sometimes we add boiled egg and even some meat fish and even sausages.
In Jaén city, this salad is prepared with peeled tomatoes, emulsifying it with oil, tuna, green pepper and garlic.

1.- Which is typical pipirrana from?
a) Almería.
b) Jaén.
c) Madrid.
d) País Vasco.

2.- Her basic ingredients are:
a) Onion, tomato, cucumber and green pepper.
b) Potato, meat, chickpeas.
c) Cheese, tomato.
d) Bread and sausage.

3.- What kind of food is?
a) Stew
b) Salad
c) Pasta
d) Pizza

Realizado por: Sara Pérez y José Vicente Palomino

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