It was a typical Sunday noon dish and along with a salad and some cheese it makes up a complete meal, fit for company.

It was a typical Sunday noon dish and along with a salad and some cheese it makes up a complete meal, fit for company.
1.chicken ,1kg potatoes, 1 cup olive oil, salt, pepper, lemon juice
Preparation: burn the remaining feathers of the chicken,wash very well, peel the potatoes and cut them in slices, wash them . Put the chicken and the potatoes in a pan, sprinkle with olive oil, add salt and pepper and some water and roast it in a preheated oven for about 2 hours ( 180o C ). If you do not want the potatoes to be crispy you take them out earlier. You add lemon juice when it is ready.
1.Roast chicken was a typical .............. dish
a. noon
b. morning
c. dinner
d. party
2. You need ....... to cook it
a. veal
b. parsley
c. dill
d. chicken
a. noon
b. morning
c. dinner
d. party
2. You need ....... to cook it
a. veal
b. parsley
c. dill
d. chicken
3. You have to precook
a. the chicken
b. the potatoes
c. the olive oil
d. nothing of the above
a. the chicken
b. the potatoes
c. the olive oil
d. nothing of the above
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