


Fish Roe Salad  (Taramosalata)

100 grams of fish roe4 slices of bread1 very small onion, finely chopped½ cup of oil2 juicy lemons 

Fish Roe salad is mainly eaten during Lent. Soak the bread well and remove crust. Mash well and add the fish roe. Taking care to work the mixture until it becomes smooth. Then, add the oil and lemon juice alternately drop by drop. If you want, add a little pepper. Pace on small plates and garnish to your particular taste with olives or capers or pickles.Variation: Instead of bread, you can, if you wish, use 4-5 medium-sized potatoes (boiled and mashed), or, if you prefer, instead of onion, 2 cloves of garlic, crushed.

1. Fish roe salad is mainly eaten during ................
a. Lent
b. festivals
c. summer
d. Christmas

2. You need ................. to make Taramosalata.
a. meat
b. fish
c. fish Roe
d. cheese

3. Instead of bread you can use ............... to make Taramosalata.
a. lettuce
b. cabbage
c. potatoes
d. peas

4. The potatoes must be ..............
a. boiled and mashed
b. fried
c. roasted
d. steamed

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