
Alboronía ,Jaén

It is a typical food of the region of jaen . Their name is alboroníaingredients
* 1 kg aubergines
* 250 grs. pumpkin
* 500 grs. tomatoes
* 3 green peppers
* One tablespoon of paprika
* A few peppercorns
* Olive oil
* Sal
* Water
* Flour to thicken .preparationCut the eggplant and squash into small pieces , and separate tomatoes , peppers and onions are chopped very fine .In a deep pan fry the onion in enough oil and when golden , eggplant , squash , peppers and tomatoes are added , cover the pan so you do not skip your content, and let everything saute in oil .Add ground pepper , pepper , a tablespoon of flour , if we want more thickened , and a glass of water.Let cook slowly until the stew is reduced and is in the sauce.
In what place is this typical dish ?1.Jaén2.Sevilla3.Almeria4.HuelvaWhat vegetable is used mainly ?1. tomato2.Lechuga3.BerenjenaIn what way are cut eggplants ?1.A strips2.Circulos3.Trozos small4.The square                                            Nazareth Palomino Burgos.

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