


Image from http://www.wikipedia.org/
Image from http://www.luventicus.org/
Cuenca is a spanish city in the autonomous community of Castillo la Mancha, it history its history dates back to the Upper Paleolithic but not until the muslim conquest when they build Qūnka fortress that was the origin of the present town. Cuenca has an important historical and architectural heritage that spans the old albeit focuses on places like the Cathedral or the Hanging Houses.

1. Where is?
a) China.
b) Spain.
c) USA.
d) England.
2.What was the name of the ancient fortress?
a) Qūnka.
b) Tulùnkan.
c) Antônac.
d) Cuesmilton.

3. What is the most important building of Cuenca?
a) The Cathedral.
b) The Haging Houses.
c) The Restaurant.
d) The Hight School.

José Luis García Ruiz
Alejandro Lebrón Castro
4º ESO-B

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