
The Eiffel Tour

The Eiffel Tower is an iron tower 324 meters high, located in Paris along the Seine. It was built by Gustave Eiffel and designed by Maurice Koechlin and Emile Nouguier. The architect is Stephen Sauvestre. This is become the symbol of the French capital. Its ancient name is "Tower 300 meters". The Eiffel Tower was first built on the occasion of the Universal Exhibition of 1889. It has hosted more than 200 million visitors since its inauguration. It also welcomes the centenary of the French Revolution. The first plane is made ​​in June 1884. It was built in two years, two months and five days, from 1887 to 1889 by 250 workers.  She was inaugurated on the occasion of a holiday party site organized by Gustave Eiffel, on 31 March 1889. She now hosts more than six million visitors each year. Its height was allowed to wear the title of "tallest structure in the world" until the construction in 1930.

                                                                             By Audrey Duhamel

Who created the Eiffel Tower?
1.      Maurice Koechlin
2.      Gustave Eiffel 
3.      Emile Nouguier
4.      Stephen Sauvestre

When has she been built?
1.      1886
2.      1889 
3.      1888
4.      1887

Why the Eiffel Tower was built?
1.      for celebrate the died of the king Louis XVI
2.      for decoration
3.      for the occasion of the Universal Exhibition of 1889
4.      for the occasion of the Universal Exhibition of 1900

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