
Ion Barbu

Ion Barbu (8 March 1895 –11 August 1961) was a Romanian mathematician and poet. His real name was Dan Barbilian.

A Renaissance personality type, Ion Barbu, through his poetic work, brief in scope but with unparalleled lyrical meanings in the Romanian poetry to date, Ion Barbu transposes through his poetic discourse elements specific to the mathematical language into poetic transfigurations, forming a particular world which is in accordance with the most modern ideas of that beginning of a century.

He discovered that he had a talent for mathematics, and in 1910 started publishing in Gazeta Matematică, one of the most prestigious math publications of that time, by solving two VIth grade trigonometry problems.

In 1934, Barbilian published his article describing metrization of a region K, the interior of a simple closed curve J.  At the University of Missouri in 1938 L.M. Blumenthal wrote Distance Geometry. A Study of the Development of Abstract Metrics,[3] where he used the term "Barbilian spaces" for metric spaces based on Barbilian's function to obtain their metric.

Ion Barbilian’s specialty was Algebraic Geometry, both elementary and superior, both in Euclidean and  non-Euclidean geometry. He generalized the concept of nilpotency and many other algebraic ideas and concepts.

1.    Ion Barbu’s real name was

a)      Dan Barbu

b)      Jean Bart

c)      Dan Barbilian

2.   Ion Barbu was born in

a)      1916

b)      1961

c)      1895

3.   What is Ion Barbu known for?

a)      Mathematics and physics

b)      Mathematics and chemistry

c)      Mathematics and poetry

By Prof. Molcalut Georgeta - Florentina

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