

Mihai Eminescu  (1850-1889) was a Romanian poet, novelist, playwriter and journalist, acclaimed by his readers and literary critics as one of the greatest Romanian poets. He had a good philosophical education, his works being influenced by the ancient philosophers as for instance Heraclitus and Plato, by the great philosophical minds of Romanticism, and by the theories of Schopenhauer,  Kant and Hegel. Eminescu was an active member of literary society "Junimea", and he worked as an editor at "Timpul", the official newspaper of the Conservative Party. He published his first poem at the age of 16. Eminescu studied in Vienna and Berlin. His manuscripts, consisting in 46 volumes, about 14.000 pages, were donnated to the Romanian Academy in 1902. In 1948 Mihai Eminescu was elected a member of the said institution. His poems such as "Luceafarul", "Floare albastra", "Lacul", "O, ramai", "Scrisoarea aIII-a","Mai am un singur dor", "Pe langa plopii fara sot" ensured his posterity.

1.The greatest Romanian poet of all times is:
a. M. Eminescu
b. N. Stanescu
c. C. Porumbescu
2. M. Eminescu studied in :
a. Rome and Paris
b. Vienna and Berlin
c. Buda and Moscow
3. His manuscripts consist of:
a. 50 volumes
b. 10 volumes
c. 46 volumes
By Prof. Vasile Ciubotaru

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