

Alessandro Francesco Tommaso Manzoni ( 7 March 1785 – 22 May 1873) was an Italian poet and novelist. He is famous for the novel The Betrothed (orig. Italian: I Promessi Sposi) (1827), generally ranked among the masterpieces of world literature. The novel is also a symbol of the Italian Risorgimento both for its patriotic message and because it was a fundamental milestone in the development of the modern, unified Italian language.
In Promessi Sposi the way the characters relate with food is very important. Manzoni preferred to describe the food served on the  poor tables rather than the one served at the banquets of the rich because  poor food has  a stronger meaning . You can say that the food reflects the social position of those who cook it or who satiates itself .
In Chapter VII, Renzo is welcomed into the home of Tonio at the time of dinner, the waiting for the meal is described as the founding moment of the family even if the meal in question consisted of a bit  of polenta. And ' the invitation to the tavern  was seen with joy   , as it would take away from the table a diner and as a result, there would be more for those who remained .

1.      Manzoni preferred to describe
a)      rich food
b)      poor food
c)      lunch food
d)      dinner food

2.      In Manzoni food reflected
a)      social positions
b)      geographical positions
c)      political ideas
d)      historical elements

3.      Manzoni quoted in his novels
a)      lasagne
b)      pasta
c)      polenta

d)      spaghetti

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