

Giovanni Placido Agostino Pascoli; December 31, 1855 – April 6, 1912) was an Italian poet and classical scholar.The poems of  Pascoli are all focused on the world of nature: it is not only described in its beauty and magic but also in the aspects that make the natural world useful to man. In particular the  collections "Myricae" and "I canti  di Castelvecchio” (songs of Castelvecchio) are full of poems about food.
The olive tree is celebrated for the value of its fruits that produce the essential condiment of Italian cooking: olive oil. Even the screw is remembered for the opportunity to make wine. In another poem the chestnut is described as a friend of man because its fruits are nutritious and integrate the power of the poor peasants in the winter. But not only that, some of its branches can be cut and give wood for the fireplaces. Even the bees are the protagonists of a  Pascoli's poem because of their work of collecting and processing  pollen to get the honey.

1.      Pascoli's work is all about
a)      human kinds
b)      natural world
c)      spirtuality
d)      man's work

2.      Pascoli celebrated
a)      cherry tree
b)      apple tree
c)      pear tree
d)      oil tree

3.      Pascoli also celebrated
a)      bees
b)      flies
c)      mosquitos
d)      mice


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